
Julia & Adam - Piedmont Park, Atlanta Ga

Wow, I had such a great time at Piedmont Park in Atlanta with ya'll! You guys are so awesome! My first contact with Julia was many many months ago and after all our emails sense then, when I met with them last weekend I felt like I knew them already. What an amazing job they did too! You should both be models or at least model trainers! :o) The whole shoot I kept thinking that Julia reminded me of someone, days later it finally hit me... Sheryl Crow! Did I mention I LUV Sheryl Crow... in fact, I'm listening to her right now, as I type! Clearly I'm not the only one who thinks these two have a magically spark, they'll be featured on TBS Dinner & a Movie, airing Sept. 16, 2006 with the film "Save The Last Dance." The couple received a make over and dancing lessons, they showed off some of those moves in the park, check out the Slideshow
I can't wait for our Bridal shoot and the wedding at Big Canoe. It's going to be so much fun!!

(I love love love this shot!) The fan-tab-ulous Atlanta Skyline.

A big hand to Adam who picked out this ring all by himself! Wow!

Sunset is the best! I'm so glad we changed this from morning to afternoon... what a tragedy it would have been to miss this beautiful light!


Want a free iPod?

Of course you do, who doesn't! An exclusive offer from Ledford Photography for anyone with a pulse!

Book your select wedding package before 12.31.06 and receive a free iPod Nano loaded with images from your wedding day to take with you on your honeymoon! Yep, you read right, images from your wedding, uploaded onto an iPod Nano and given to you on your wedding day! Now that's a heck of an idea! Select packages include a single iPod Nano while others include a 'his & hers' Nano set. (because your first fight shouldn't be over who gets to use the iPod!)

Wait, this gets better! Any current client, who's kicking themselves because you think you missed out on this sweet promotion, hold onto your seat because this offer is available to you too! No you don't have to have another wedding, all you have to do is refer someone who is! Refer anyone to us and if they choose one of our select packages and tell us you sent them, then you get an iPod too! No limit of referrals, once you have your iPod, I have pictage gift cards with your name on them! Want all the details? Just drop us a line...



Have a question about our services? Our availablity? Your pictures? Your album design? iPods? Just want to say hello? Good news! We're now yahooable! All you need is Yahoo Instant Messenger, which can be found at www.yahoo.com and our ID name of course... ID: prophoto8804

Just add us to your list of all time favorite people :oD and feel free to ask away anytime you see us online. This is just another way we're here for you!

Yahoo you later...


Stephanie & Chris

Congratulations to Stephanie & Chris who were married early this month at the beautiful Gordon Lee Manison. The day began in a garden and despite the rain delay, ended with the unity of a beautiful couple. I am forever grateful to be apart of the most important day in a couple life and I'm truly honored to have been apart of this one...
The Bride...

The Groom...

Mr & Mrs...


Meet my new best friend, Pictage...

Wow, I could not be any happier about my new bestest friend, Pictage. I've partnered with Pictage as a means to give you the best possible service available and the very best quality known to the world of photography. Through Pictage, you can order full bleed or border prints of any size known to man, proofing magazines, picbooks, willowbook proof albums plus create and order your very own wedding, event, parent and guest albums. Best of all, Pictage offers customer services about any product available to you any day of the week.

Pictage is used by the most famous wedding photographers in the world and I'm proud to add my name to their list of clients. The difference you'll see with Pictage is that every image is as important to them as it is to me and you. A human being is actually sitting in the offices of Pictage right now making sure that each and every product they print looks the best it can look! I care about how your photographs will look once they've been printed and because of that I've had my color processing and data set to perfectly match and theirs, ensuring that your prints will be the truest color, sharpness and brightest that they were meant to be all along.

I'm really excited about Pictage and I hope you will be too. Because I luv what they do so much, I want to share it with you so you too can see the difference. For a limited time, any new or current client may submit a request for a free pictage gift card. How do you cash in on this deal you say? Well, it's pretty simple, just submit your info on our contact form and request your free gift card code! :o)