
Meet my new best friend, Pictage...

Wow, I could not be any happier about my new bestest friend, Pictage. I've partnered with Pictage as a means to give you the best possible service available and the very best quality known to the world of photography. Through Pictage, you can order full bleed or border prints of any size known to man, proofing magazines, picbooks, willowbook proof albums plus create and order your very own wedding, event, parent and guest albums. Best of all, Pictage offers customer services about any product available to you any day of the week.

Pictage is used by the most famous wedding photographers in the world and I'm proud to add my name to their list of clients. The difference you'll see with Pictage is that every image is as important to them as it is to me and you. A human being is actually sitting in the offices of Pictage right now making sure that each and every product they print looks the best it can look! I care about how your photographs will look once they've been printed and because of that I've had my color processing and data set to perfectly match and theirs, ensuring that your prints will be the truest color, sharpness and brightest that they were meant to be all along.

I'm really excited about Pictage and I hope you will be too. Because I luv what they do so much, I want to share it with you so you too can see the difference. For a limited time, any new or current client may submit a request for a free pictage gift card. How do you cash in on this deal you say? Well, it's pretty simple, just submit your info on our contact form and request your free gift card code! :o)


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