
The Nike+ Challenge

Yesterday I began my 1st fitness filled, healthy lifestyle, Nike+ day! If you haven't heard of Nike+, it's an awesome system, a sensor that goes in your shoe and talks to your ipod. It acts as a personal trainer and keeps track of your walks or runs.

You'd never know it now, but I was the fitness queen in high school. Worked out 7 days a week, 3 - 4 hours a day and never ate over 1500 calories, no matter what. Same story as everything, life gets in the way, your busy, no time, blah blah blah... Then, about 5 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and all went down hill from there. As a part of dealing with PCOS, eating extremely healthy and exercising is highly recommended, which is something I've done on and off, but the whole life, no time thing has always gotten in the way.

Knowing it needs to be done, I'm hereby committing to exercising and eating healthy. I'm also challenging you to join me! It's so much easier to eat out than to buy organic and cook at home and it's so much easier to veg out in your down time than to work out, but I'm officially making the effort and blogging my progress. I'm starting off walking and working my way up! The sweet part about the Nike+ system is your workout info is transfered from your ipod to the Nike+ site, there you can show the world what you'd down, challenge people and even trash talk with the people you run or walk against! If you'd care to join me, just send your email address and I'll add you to the challenge!

Here is today's progress. Small but it's way better than nothing! I've also completely swore off all drinks but water and given up sugar not naturally found in foods. I'm 4 days into it and I feel great, no cravings at all.

So, if you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits or already have, lets hear about it! Add your stories or comments below in the "Show some luv" section!


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