
Holiday In St. Elmo

Hi all.  I'm so completely broken hearted to have to tell you that I will not be able to make the Holiday in St. Elmo Festival this time. I've had an unexpected family emergency and won't be able to attend.

As the blog stalkers know - I was SOOOO pumped for the art show!!  I'm sick and completely broken-hearted to have to miss it!!!  I guess I'll put a count down on the calendar for the Holiday Festival of 2009!  :0)

Just because I'm not able to attend - I highly recommend the festival - it's going to be a BLAST! The amazing people who put the show together have left no detail untouched!  (and hugs to the planners of the festival for understanding and not hating me for having to miss it.)

Check out the happenings at www.holidayinstelmo.com 


Tessa + Michael || Newly Weds

I've been blogging like crazy here lately - I was thinking I was doing good! Turns out I was saving all my posts to drafts instead of actually posting them!  Despite that, I think I should still get an "A" for effort!  

This past Saturday I met Tessa and Michael in Tybee Island, GA for some fun newly wed photo time. Our plan was to shoot all over the island, on the beach and then get in the ocean. The weather channel's predicted "Sunny 60 degrees" turned out to be 46 degrees with cold winds. So instead of doing what I wanted to do - drag them all over the island shooting to my hearts content - we ended up doing a quick shoot out beside the lighthouse on Saturday evening. It was freezing!!! I was freezing and I had on everything in my closet all at once - so imagine being in a sleeveless dress that was designed for summer wedding wear! I have to admit - they both did WAY better than I would have!! Despite the arctic weather, we managed to get some sheer awesomeness, all the same!

The one below is my FAVORITE from the day! Ya'll better do something amazing and huge with this one or I'm disowning you!  :0)  :::hugs:::

I'm thinking on a warm day we'll be doing some more here soon - after all, I didn't get to shoot to my heart's content!  :0)


Jessica + Aaron || Engaged!

Meet Jessica and Aaron. I met up with them on campus at Lee University for some engagements - Aren't they cute!! Their wedding isn't until 2010, but there's no time like the present for a sweet make-out photo session. :0)

The campus was fun and all but nothing beats a Saturday at home with a movie and popcorn...

I had a blast guys, thanks so much! There's tons more to come!!! I know it's a ways away but I can't wait for the wedding!


Stephanie + Brad || Wedding Day

I really love blog teasers! It's fun for me.  :0)   I thought I'd share some of the beginning moments of Stephanie and Brad's day - which are some of my very favorite parts of a wedding day! 

I love when the bride and groom see each other early in the day - it's just so much... MORE!

This is just one of those moments that a photo is just so much more than a thousand words...

Ah! I just love these two! They're just such a great couple! It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with them and all the guys and gals in the wedding party and family. I had a blast! Thanks to all!

And one last teaser...

Meet the Seymour Family

The past week I got the honor of hanging out with the Seymour family for an at-home day of fun and play. My favorite part about this time of year with the holidays and everything is getting to hang out with families just sorta doing what they do. I had so much fun at home with Isaac and his mom and dad! 

Check out some of the fun we had...