
I **Heart** Fall!!!

Part One||
Yesterday morning I started off my day as I usually do, with email, a quick run through of my day's tasks and then starting in on editing. An enormous urge to grab my camera and get out of the house began it's battle until winning early this morning. Rachel and I packed our gear, loaded the car and set out for a day of nothing but fun shooting and good times. The day lead to bo' berry biscuits, dirt roads, high weeds, head stones, pumpkins, shucks, jam and shopping...

If only I could find a pumpkin...

Grab a wheel barrel and fill it with goodies!

I LOVE Indian corn! Betcha couldn't tell...

Peeking around some gourds to catch Rachel in action...

BOO! (Did I scare ya? hehe)

The shot below makes me think "wooga wooga", which, of course, makes me laugh. At least I'm easily amused... Go on, you try it... "WOOGA, WOOGA"... see!

I found The Great Pumpkin! And Lucy said it didn't exist! Ha!

After the pumpkin and a 100 miles later we found a cracker barrel, I love the general store in those things, they're evil though! Can you NOT buy something?!?! I love the lovey dovey snow 'people' below. It's a snowman engagement session! hehe

This little guy is SO cute!

Meet Mrs. Salty Snow and Mr. Peppery Flakes :0)

Go on, admit it... you're either craving biscuits and/or grabbing your keys heading to cracker barrel.

More of our travels later...


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